General Waste

We would need to know the different types of General Waste (waste streams) produced and the approximate quantities of each stream.


Depending on the volumes produced you may require:

  • Wheelie Bins
  • Skips
  • Ro-Ro Containers
  • Portable Compactors
  • Static Compactors.


The types of materials and waste we can collect and how we process:

  • General waste is processed in a Materials Recycling Facility (MRF), avoiding landfill
  • Baled cardboard is pulped in a mill and recycled into cardboard
  • Baled plastic goes to a Polymer, reprocessing plant and recycled.

Your waste may include Recyclable Material such as Cardboard or Plastic, in which case you may also have a requirement for a Baler.

Call, email or enquire via our free waste audit form to contact a waste specialist from Waste Handling Solutions to find out more or arrange a free waste audit.